
Best Buy Metabo W8-115 Quick 600264420 4-1/2-Inch Angle Grinder Shop

Metabo W8-115 Quick 600264420 4-1/2-Inch Angle Grinder

Metabo W8-115 Quick 600264420 4-1/2-Inch Angle Grinder

  • Excellent quality, high performance and user-friendly ergonomics
  • Maximum torque of 19.5 inch pounds
  • Innovative air-cooling concept enables higher motor output
  • Handle helps lower vibrations which can be damaging to the user?s health
  • Quick technology allows for changing discs and guards without tools

Metabo W8-115 Quick 600264420 4-1/2-Inch Angle Grinder
Switch with lock on capability. 2-position side handle. Metabo® slip clutch. Auto-stop carbon brushes. Winding protection grid. Made in Germany. Benefits Extreme dust protection. Optimum cooling by way of an improved sonically balanced fan coupled with better venting.

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